Content moderation requires accurate nsfw ai systems, these models cannot be trained without laborious work on attaining higher degrees of maturity and accuracy. An average nsfw ai model is trained on datasets consisting of 1 million or even over 10million images, so that it has a good grasp of numerous categories to better recognized potential harmful content. It ends up training over couple of weeks to months depending on how complex the model is and where you are running this process against limited computational resources. For example — For training a big model to have good accuracy regarding nsfw detection, it could cost up to 100 teraflops of computing power and forces you run on many GPUs for like almost all day every single day fro over 3–4 weeks!
OpenAI, Google and similar tech companies are spending millions of dollars just to purchase gpu clusters so that they can process the high computational load for training nsfw ai models per training cycle budgeting up to $5 million. Training for high performing nsfw ai may cost upwards of $100,000 or more, making it hard even to imagine for smaller companies as researchers wrote in one 2022 study. This financial burden implies that a handful of large companies would be the only entities capable to train models at such scale (to serve concurrently both in precision and speed).
The quality of training datasets is crucial for the accuracy and stability to nsfw ai. In order to accurately account for the myriad of nuanced variables, models are built using extensive datasets that include multiple categories of explicit content and are capable if identifying 95% or more. This level of detail is intended to reduce false positives, and make it usable for the real-world. That said, Elon Musk himself pointed to a problem common throughout the industry: “AI models are only as good as their training data”, and thus, he underscored that proper filtering of content across various platforms should rely on high-quality (in terms of deviance from other patterns) and diverse background.
The training is also an ongoing process. In a self-contained question and answer forum, for instance, retraining nsfw ai models can happen every 6-12 months due to language itself evolving so quickly that new phrases or cultural references often emerge as descriptions of explicit content. Through this retraining process, we keeps models fresh and accurate on a digital landscape that rapidly changes. Retraining might cost 10% more every cycle, which means maintaining such systems would be a vendor lock-in for companies placing high importance on content safety.
The greater the call for functional nsfw ai, more companies are required to maintain their models properly trained and provided updated information, particularly on user-generated content platforms. And with the promise of this technology to keep users safe and cut costs on human moderation, nsfw ai has received major support. If you would like to learn more about the training needs as well as nsfw ai utilize cases, go into #nsfai in our Discord.