Who Are Alex Alexis Pins For?

Now we have Alex Alexis pins, which are for fans of online content creators in general and specifically Quackity, who, as previously mentioned is the king of both YouTube and Twitch. Having amassed over 6 million subscribers on YouTube, Quackity has a vast following, and his pins also function as a means by which supporters can show their adoration for him. Usually, the price of these pins goes from $5 to $10 on average so it can not only make a good connection with the fandom but also an economical one. Most of the time, that size is 1.5 inch in diameter (because it’s something like a default specification for enamel pins that are strong enough and would last several years if they are stored neatly).

Fanlore hopes these pins includes a new generation of fangirls — teenagers at high school, young adults, the kids who grew up inventing their LiveJournal DRUMPFISHNAME User.Nicks during peak fandom culture on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. The pins typically have funny or memorable scenes from Quackity’s streams that make the themed pins collector’s items. Some Alex Alexis pins are part of limited edition drops while others had sold out in under 48 hours from their release; as demand is high within the fan community.

These pins are usually soft enamel or hard enamel, resulting in a different level of texture and durability for both. Soft enamel vs hard enamel The main difference between soft and hard enamel is that on the soft pins tiny edges are noticeable, whereas compared to the soft enamels, all of the metal die lines, borders engraved in a die itself, are polished smooth with trademarked enamel on the Hard Enamel Pins giving it a high-profile appearance. Although both styles are popular, hard enamel pins often outlast their soft enamel counterparts due to their more rugged finish.

The question fans ask is typically, “Should I bother collecting these pins?” The secret, is the buyer — to creator relationship. Alex Alexis pins are a manner for hardcore Quackity fans to feel in and to showcase their support of the content (while still holding onto that special Iggy joint they longed for years ago). Likewise, PewDiePie released his own merchandise line that promptly sold out, proving loyalty to the creator contributes to sales as well as the collectability of these items.

As Elon Musk said: “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” For many, especially on Quackity side of things, the pins were more than just a product they were an item that showed not only support for one of their favorite content creators, but that symbolized them as being apart of something greater with others online. Having a pin gives a physical object to associate with Quackity content and the larger community of online creators.

These pins are definitely targeting towards collectors, fans, and maybe even trading within fan communities. Product options include various sizes, price points, and unique personalization capabilities making them an ideal gift or addition to any personal collection. For newer members of the fandom, collecting pins can be a gateway to participating in the wider community and swapping designs with other fans or showing off their collections on social media.

Check out the alex alexis pins collection for more designs and ideas or start your own if Alex Alexis did not manage to capture Quackity’s online essence.

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